2 Pin Push ButtonThe push button has prongs. They only connect when the button is pushed down.
These pictures use a 100 ohm resistor from the + rail to one of the button's pins, then a red LED's - end from the - rail and its + end connected to the button. |
The switch is off. The LED not connected to the resistor. Circuit is "open".
The switch pressed is on. The LED is connected to the resistor. Circuit is "closed".
Toggle SwitchThe toggle switch has three prongs. The middle one is the common, that is 5V. Then you can use either the left or right side connected to either something to power's - side.
These pictures use a 100 ohm resistor from the + rail to the middle toggle pin, then a red LED's - end from the switch's right side to the - rail. |
The switch left is off. Nothing is connected to the left side.
The switch right is on.